Gastherme viessmann vitodens 300 w
Gastherme viessmann vitodens 300 w

gastherme viessmann vitodens 300 w

In fact, they are now the leading manufacturer of air conditioning and heating systems in the UK, and they train around 2,500 installers and contractors in their products in the UK every year.

gastherme viessmann vitodens 300 w

is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of wall heating and air conditioning systems. Viessmann has won numerous awards for the quality of the products they manufacture. The world in which Viessmann operate and the high standards of production they offer have led to them receiving these awards throughout their history. Viessmann has quickly become one of the manufacturers of choice around the world for boiler systems, and it is clear why. Looking forward to the trade show in March to speak directly to the Viesmann Brass.Viessmann is a German manufacturer is known for the high production standard which has led to the fact that it has received several awards in the course of its history. I hope more people voice their concerns about the vitodens so maybe viesmann starts to stand behind their product. Other boiler manufacturers has offered 5 years on parts for two years now. They are one of the last manufactures to offer this. Don't be fooled by Viesmann's idea of now offering 5 year warranty on their boilers now. Shame on viesmann for putting on the market an inferior product which we have paid too much for. I have written to sales rep to discuss my dissatisfaction with their product. With two units doing the identical problem this is not a one off problem. Easy fix ! I know now the cost and again I have to inform my client the news. Says it must be power surge and once again nothing else in home is effected Tech then states it's an easy fix you need a new board. Now a year later I just had another client who has identical boiler and approximately same age ( now it is 3year 6 month old) once again tech at viesmann says is there any moisture on gas valve or circuit board and I say no there is nothing. So I am the person to give the bad news to home owner of the huge cost to repair.

gastherme viessmann vitodens 300 w

The fix was to put a new circuit board in and coding plug this is when I learn there is only two year warranty on boiler parts which is 2 years 6 months old. Nothing else in the home failed by a power surge. There has been no signs of moisture so he states must be a power surge. Last year I had a main controller go on the vitodens 200 first thing the tech asked is there moisture on the gas valve or on the controller. To my surprise they have produced poor quality for their electronics. I have sold viesmann boilers for many years and they have always been top of the line which are also more expensive than other boiler manufacturers.

Gastherme viessmann vitodens 300 w